Thursday, February 7, 2013

Its final year

6 february 2013 / air asia flight seat J39 /flight no A7 202

On flight heading to Brisbane (I am typing while my head is banging due to turbulence and now i have to stop before I start to vomit)
This time everything seems so different. I am reluctant to go back. I am in a state of denial. No! This is the reality noor syahirah! You are going back to the place of where the "tarbiyah" touch you. You are going back to the place where everything is good and you really proud of it. This is the place where you can practice islam without any limit and you dont even bother what people gonna talk about u. It's ur final year. The only year left for you to work hard on ur study, the only year left for you to keep firming ur inner strength, the only year left for you to enjoy the sweetness of ukhuwah because you dont know whether you still have another chance to enjoy the "honeymoon". People come and go, memories left behind with undefined words. Alhamdulillah, Allah granted me with this opportunity. I missed them so much. They had returned to the place where their iman will be tested. I hope and pray that Allah will make them strong to go through the trials and challenges. I pray that Allah will always keep our heart together.
Praise to Allah for all the ni'mat He gifted to me
Thanks Allah for everything you gave me.
Thanks Allah for sending me away so that I can heal this broken heart.
Oh Allah please makes me strong

Ya Allah
Terkadang pada suatu saat
Aku berjalan dengan semangat
Dan aku merasa sangat kuat
Namun terkadang
Aku didatangi ujian yang sangat hebat daripadaMu
Aku rebah seketika
Namun, kemudian aku bangun

Sekali lagi
Ada tiupan angin badai
Aku terjatuh kali kedua
Namun, aku bangkit lagi!
Aku bangun
Dan berjalan
Berjalan tanpa henti
Sehingga haus tapak kaki
Namun aku terus berjalan dan berjalan

Abid Ar-Rahman
Seorang insan bertemankan Tuhan setiap waktu
Ada suatu ketika
Aku dirudung permasalahan jiwa
Membuatkan aku menangis
Membuatkan jiwaku terasa lemah
Lemahnya tarbiyahku

Allah selalu menghantarkan aku
Kalam-kalam sakinahnya...

"Sang abid
Mengapakah duhai sayangku
Dikau bersedih sedang aku di sampingmu?"

Aku memulakan bicaraku...

"Ya Rabbi
Sedang tika ini Kau masih bersamaku,
Menyebabkan aku terasa sayu

Ya Rabbi
Engkau tahu apa yang terkelumit di dalam qalbuku
Sedang seisi dunia tidak tahu permasalahan yang terpendam di lubuk hatiku

Ya Rabbi
Kehadiranmu selalu menanamkan bibit-bibit sakinah ke dalam jiwaku yang goyah ini
Bagaimanalah aku tanpaMu
Di saat aku merasa sendiri
Aku berjalan
Mencari sekelumit sinar cahaya
Menemukan ubat penebus dan pelentur dosa
Muhasabah diriku ku susun
Menjadikan ubat jiwa yang resah nan mentah ini
Moga Engkau sentiasa melindungiku
Sampai syurgaMu..."